About: It's His Story

I'm a graphic designer who loves the Church. I've worked for local, national, and international ministries since 2018.

I got tired of seeing churches fall into two HUGE branding traps.

Either their logo and colors were stuck in a bygone era, or they were constantly changing with the latest trends. Both approaches fail to think about their brand as a long-term evangelistic and discipleship tool.

Braden East

Creative Director

Braden and Natalie East are from Bartlesville, Oklahoma, and now have a homestead down the road in Nowata. Braden studied in the Warren M. Angell College of Fine Arts at Oklahoma Baptist University, where he received a Bachelor of Communications Studies, with distinction.

Before starting Restore Graphics, he worked in a lead design role at the Oklahoma Baptist Convention and later joined the creative team at The Voice of the Martyrs.

In 2023 I had a good friend tell me how his church had an opportunity to rebrand, but had decided not to.

Why? They didn't want to spend money on something that would need to keep being updated again and again in the future.

It was then that I realized something: these churches felt like they had to pick between their mismatched and ugly brand from the early 2000's, or a trendy brand that they would outgrow in a few years.

But there's a better way! Intentionally, carefully crafted brands can last for decades.

When was the last time Nike changed their tagline or logo? Have you seen a rebrand from CocaCola recently?

The problem is that churches are afraid to invest ministry dollars in a key evangelism and discipleship tool: their brand.

Today I've helped churches all over the U.S. do just that: build a brand identity without an expiration date. The branding toolkits they have now are enabling them to reach their community for Christ, unify their online presence, and reinforce their congregation's God-given identity.

Screenshots from a rebrand wrap up call with Heritage Church

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