Is Your Church Ready to Rebrand?

Time to complete: 5 min

What is your leadership role at your church?
How many years have you been in your position?
(First and Last)
Church Information
Provide more information about your congregation and your context.
My church is growing.
20 80
What kind of city is your church located in?
Vision Clarity
God has a plan for your church. Share how and if you feel his leading in a particular direction.
I know the direction in which God has called me or my pastor to lead my church.
My church has a vision/mission statement.
My church has a strong sense of identity.
My church members understand our shared values as a congregation.
Brand Alignment
Sometimes branding can look a bit out of date, but is still very effective.
Our congregation understands and identifies with the meaning of our current logo.
Our current logo is accurate to the vision God has given our leadership.
The look and feel of things like our webiste, signs, bulletins, and worship slides are accurate to the vision God has given our leadership.
Almost There!
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