Churches Helping Churches

Nurturing a stronger body of Christ.

In an age when community and fellowship are more critical than ever, we should be looking for ways to foster comradery, cooperation, and unity in the body of Christ.

That's why we're excited to introduce a new initiative:
"Churches Helping Churches".

We know that the expansion of God's kingdom does not happen in isolation but through collective effort and a shared commitment to fulfilling the Great Commission. Scripture reminds us that we are inextricably bound as members of the same body.

For as in one body we have many members, and the members do not all have the same function, so we, though many, are one body in Christ, and individually members one of another.

- Romans 12:4-5

How it works

Churches that subscribe to the Restore Graphics Large Church membership pave the way for smaller churches with tighter budgets to access design services at no cost.

Each new membership opens up another spot for a congregation with limited funds to take advantage of free, professional design. Through their subscription, each large church automatically becomes a "sponsor" of a smaller body.

This symbiotic relationship supports churches who often have bi-vocational pastors and volunteer staff, and enriches both churches through fellowship and cooperation opportunities. By working with Restore Graphics, larger churches enable small congregations to focus on the shepherding, ministering, and spreading the Gospel, rather than struggling with limited design and digital resources.

Our vision

Fundamentally, "Churches Helping Churches" is a reminder that the Church is not just about a building or congregation. It is a living, interconnected network of believers.

We want to go beyond just providing practical assistance. We see this program as a way to create fellowship in the broader Christian community and underscore that the Church is a single body with many members. This initiative encourages larger churches to share their expertise and resources, fostering a sense of interdependence and unity.

Finally, our hope is that this program also serves as a source of inspiration for the entire body of Christ. We want to exemplify Christian values both within and outside the church. By making a tangible impact on smaller churches' ability to reach out to their communities, we think cooperation like this will spread the kingdom of God further and more effectively.

Braden East
Founder, Restore Graphics

P.S. Are you a pastor or elder rediscovering your church's identity? Take our free assessment and get personalized recommendations for how to align your brand with your vision.
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