Experience the power of a branding agency tailored for churches.

For now, Restore Graphics is all about one thing: branding churches. We don't do corporate identities. We see our clients as partners in ministry, and we approach our work with a historic, biblical aesthetic that is explicitly Christian.

Rebrand Packages Our Process

Church Brand Identity Packages
Find the perfect match for your rebrand project

Basic Identity Package - $2000

  • The perfect Logo Design
  • Color Palette
  • Typeface Selection
  • 100% Satisfaction Guaranteed

Can't afford this package?
If your church has a limited budget and less than 100 members, schedule a call and we'll see what we can do within your constraints.

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Design System Package - $3000

  • Everything in the Basic Identity Package
  • Brand Guidelines Book
  • Alternate Logo Mark
  • Extended Color Palette
  • Secondary Typeface
  • Social Media Covers

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Full Suite Package - $5000

  • Everything in the Basic Identity and Design System Packages
  • Logo Animation
  • Core Values Icon Set
  • Bonus Pattern or Graphic Element
  • Canva Template with Brand Styles
  • Rebrand Introduction Slides

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The Brand Restoration Blueprint™

In our years helping churches and ministries develop brands that resonate with their people, we've developed some key insights and strategies that overcome challenges turning mission and vision into a crystal clear visual identity.

This framework is the definitive roadmap to building strong organizational identity for churches and ministries. It's a step-by-step process has helped churches all over the U.S. acheive a brand identity that feels like home to their congregation and shows the work God is doing there. With every client, we use this blueprint to custom tailor a brand identity that plays to their strengths and unique mission.

Are you a pastor or elder rediscovering your church's identity? Take our free assessment and get personalized recommendations for how to align your brand with your vision.

Our Promise

Because we price projects in whole, we're incentivized to communicate with you and conclude your project in a timely manner. Our goal is to work at your pace, with a step-by-step process that’s trusted by churches and Christian organizations all over the U.S.

There are all sorts of great designers and agencies who could potentially help you with your project. So why work with us?


Who will I be working with?

When you schedule a call, you'll get to speak directly with Braden, the founder and Creative Director at Restore Graphics.

On occasion, we will partner with a trusted expert to deliver certain components of some projects.

How many logo options do I get to see?

We've found that the best number of initial logo options to present is three. If none of those designs come close*, we'll start from scratch and present at least two more.

*There's a first time for everything

How many revisions do I get?

Unlimited revisions are included in every rebrand package. We'll keep tweaking and revising concepts until you are 100% satisfied. To help us all avoid an infinite loop, we use a process that ensures we're on the same page early in the project.

Will you license fonts for us to use?

Yes! For any commercial typeface we use in your brand identity, we'll purchase a one-seat license on your behalf so you can start using it right away. This cost is included in the price of every rebrand package.

Can we add items on to the package later?

Great question! The answer is yes, but at an extra cost. If there's something you know you'll want later, tell us up front and we'll design a rebrand package that fits your needs and budget.

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