Heritage Church


Gospel Belonging.

Heritage Church was in a season of re-planting, blending two congregations into one while building up new ministry opportunities. Elders in the church asked me to help with a visual identity that would underpin and reinforce their vision for the future of Heritage.

From 5 core values to 1 confident symbol

Leadership in the church established five key value statements that described the vision and identity of Heritage. These statements set the tone for the entire brand system, from the logo itself to graphic pattern elements.

Unifying themes

For Heritage, it was vital to simultaneously look historical and modern, bringing together two unlikely themes as a representation of their congregational diversity. The logo and colors were my "ground-zero" for discovering how to achieve that vibe.

For our rebrand, it was vital to have a fellow Christian as a design partner who took the time to understand who we are and what we are about. The value was off the charts.

Braden walked us through an outstanding rebrand process with intentionality at every step. He handled the licensing of fonts and aspects of the project we would have never considered going into the project. Restore Graphics delivered a unique Christian perspective to design a church logo that visually represents what God is doing in our congregation.

Britton Buss
Heritage Church

Each element of the identity came together to form a whole that aligned seamlessly with the mission of the church. In the end, Heritage had a unique, longstanding brand to clearly identify their ministry and reinforce their vision for the body of Christ in Shawnee.

Restore Graphics not only captured the history of our church, but the unspoken feel of the church that made it home for our members.

The work that Braden put into researching our history and understanding our core values was tremendous. The ability to incorporate the many aspects of our church into a single identity made the rebrand process very unifying for our church.

Aaron Hembree
Heritage Church

Keep Reading

First Baptist Muskogee
Be Disciples. Make Disciples.
Christ the King Presbyterian Church
Believe. Behold. Become.
Walnut Street Baptist Church
One Church. One Mission.
King's Cross Community Church
For the Good News of King Jesus.

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